Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope shares love and resources to empower future leaders of the U.S. and West Africa, providing education and health programs for women and children and opportunities for volunteers in the US and in West Africa.

Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope is one of the twenty organizations selected as a recipient of the Best Giving Challenge 2018 Story prize!
We shared the story of the new friendship between students in Ghana with students at Sarasota’s Alta Vista Elementary.
When Your Heart is Over Flowing
On February 25 I went to Alta Vista Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, with Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope Board Member Fr. Nana Ellis for a cultural book exchange. The students at Alta Vista had been given The Ghanaian Goldilocks, about a little boy named Kofi who lives...
Do you long to have an impact on the lives of the people in Ghana?
Each year we offer several mission opportunities. Our former missioners have enjoyed their trips so much that many have returned a second, third or fourth time.

Clean Water and Health Education
We train women on the use of a water filtration system and provide a Sawyer filter and two buckets for each family. One system can provide safe, clean drinking water for a family of four for ten years.

Summer Reading Camps
Each summer we train local teachers and bring volunteer missioners to Ghana to help run reading camps in up to five villages. Children from pre-school to high school ages are provided with a book to take home with them and a hot meal daily during the camp.

Health Care
We run health and hygiene programs in the villages of Akramaman and Twerebo. In addition, we collected funds for pediatric drugs. Last year we were able to provide several thousand doses of worm medication, malaria medication, and vitamins as well as over 200 bottles and tubes of over-the-counter drugs.

Debi Frock, the founder of Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope, first traveled to Ghana in 2004 and she realized then how she could make a childhood dream come true. This is the story of the beginnings of a volunteer-run not-for-profit organization that has, thirteen years later, built two schools and a health clinic, initiated the education of hundreds of pre-school children, empowered mothers to keep their families healthy through education and access to clean water. The results are happy, healthy children learning more every day.